
All India Coordinated Research Project on Tuber crops (AICRPTC) has 4108 accessions of 25 species of tropical tuber and root crops are maintained in 17 centres as field gene bank and as a resource for varietal development. Maximum number of accessions is maintained in Sweet Potato (46.71%) and RAU, Dholi maintains largest collection of sweet potato (1112). Yethapur (Coimbatore) has been maintaining the maximum collection (361) in cassava. Among other species, 795 accessions of Colocasia spp (615 taro, 128 bunda and 52 swamp taro), 197 collections of elephant foot yam, 217 collections of greater yam, 60 collections in other Dioscorea and 159 accessions of yam bean are being maintained by different centres. Agro- morphological and molecular characterization (by using RAPD markers) of 16 varieties/ cultivars of amorphophallus and 20 accessions of taro have been done by Kalyani Centre.