The Research Priority setting, Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Cell of CTCRI is an effective tool set-up by ICAR to assist research managers for priority focused resource allocations, relevance, monitoring and evaluation of research projects and accountability in the system. This management tool is also being used by several ICAR research organizations.
- To coordinate and synthesize the recommendations of QRT, RAC, IRC, Vision documents of Institute and ICAR to recommend research priorities of the Institution for shortlisting priority researchable problems across crop(s)/Divisions / programmes, commodity / livestock etc. at Institution level. (Priority setting)
- Annual up-dating and presenting the report to the Director of the Institution for assigning research project.
- To coordinate and arrange for annual monitoring of each on-going project and evaluation of completed projects through internal and external experts.
- To coordinate and arrange for technology validation and / or impact assessment of successful technology claimed by scientist(s) through internal and external experts.
- Regularly sensitizing and capacity building of research managers and Scientists through training programmes.
- Maintaining a database on all publications, technologies developed, IPRs, consultancies, projects undertaken in the past 10 years and ongoing projects.
The PME Cell of ICAR-CTCRI comprises of one Principal Scientist (Dr. G. Byju) as the Scientist in-charge and one Technical Officer ( Shri. R. Bharathan).