Mega Project - II: Varietal improvement in tropical tuber crops
Sl.No Project Title Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigators
1 Genetic Improvement of cassava for CMD resistance, earliness, high starch and keeping quality through Polyploidy breeding Dr. M. N. Sheela Dr. S. Ramanathan, Dr. C. Mohan, Dr. A. Asha Devi, Dr. T. Makeshkumar, Dr. A. N. Jyothi, Dr. G. Suja,

Marker aided selection for CMD resistance using association mapping Dr. C. Mohan Dr. J. Sreekumar, Dr. T. Makeshkumar,

Modifying genes in starch metabolism- A means to enhance starch content and develop waxy cassava Ms. N. Krishna Radhika Dr. M. N .Sheela, Dr. Shirly Raichal Anil, Dr. A. Asha Devi, Dr. T. Makeshkumar


Breeding high starch, high carotene orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) lines for consumption and industrial application Dr. C. Mohan Dr. M. Nedunchezhiyan, Dr. P. S. Sivakumar,


Potentials of aeroponics in tropical tuber crops Dr. Archana Mukherjee Dr. S.K. Chakrabarti, Dr. K. Pati, Dr. M. Neduncheziyan, Dr. J. T. Sheriff