Institute projects completed
1 Mineralization and immobilization of nutrients in tropical tuber crops growing soils
2 Long term effect of manures and fertilizers in an acid ultisol growing cassava (phase II)
3 Rapid appraisal of the nutrient status of cassava growing soils of Kerala
4 Mineral nutrition of Aroids
5 Screening potassium efficient genotypes for edible and industrial uses
Institute projects being handled
1 Long term effect of manures and fertilizers in an acid ultisol growing cassava (phase III)
2 Screening potassium efficient cassava genotypes for domestic and industrial uses
3 Response of tropical tuber crops to secondary and micronutrients
Externally Funded projects completed
1 Integrated Nutrient Management Strategy for Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott) with Special Emphasis on Diagnosis of Nutritional Disorders
2 Soil based plant nutrient management plan for agro-ecosystems of Kerala
3 Application of microorganisms in agriculture and allied sectors: PGPR annd Biocontrol
Externally Funded projects being handled
1 Soil based plant nutrient management for agro ecosystems of Kerala
2 Response of cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz) to polysulphates in Ultisols (Laterites) and Entisols (Sandy Plains) of Kerala