Professional Information
Area of specialization Plant Molecular Markers
Area of interest Marker Aided Selection, Plant Molecular Biology
Number of institute projects completed 6 as PI and 7 as CPI
Number of Institute projects being handled 1 as PI and 3 as CPI
Number of externally funded projects completed 1
Number of externally funded projects being handled 1
Technologies developed Varietal release / Patents
A cassava variety resistant to cassava mosaic disease released for Tamil Nadu farmers during 2007 named as Sree Padmanabha (MNga-1).
New cassava clone: CMR100
Cassava improvement program, new promising clone (CMR100) identified with CMD free, middle branching, uniform tuber shape (cylindrical), light yellow flesh, non-bitter and high drymatter (43%). The uniform, long cylindrical shape of the tuber is ideal for fried chip making. The peeling of the tuber is easy, raw tuber has sweet taste and having very good cooking quality.