- Year of release: 2006
- Pedigree: Exotic germplasm - (TMS 30001) from IITA, Nigeria Introduced through CIAT, Cali, Colombia
- Yield: 38 t ha-1
- Potential yield: 46 t ha-1
- Maturity: 270-300 days
- Suitable growing regions: Rainfed areas of Kerala & irrigated plains of Tamil Nadu
- Key traits:
- Tall, late branching variety with greyish green stem and light green emerging leaves
- Leaves 5 to 7 lobed with medium broad lobes
- Petiole dark green
- Flowers regularly and sets seeds
- Tuber shape long cylindrical
- Tuber skin colour silvery white
- Tuber rind and flesh colour white
- Tuber neck absent
- Tubers with 25.8% starch, 38.2µg/100g cyanogen having excellent cooking quality
- Resistant to cassava mosaic disease, shows cupping of leaves under drought conditions