- Year of release: 1971(Central)
- Pedigree: H(Chadayamangalam Vella x Kalikalan)
- Yield: 33-38 t ha--1
- Potential yield: 45 t ha-1
- Maturity: 8.10 months
- Suitable growing regions: Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka
- Key traits:
- Medium tall, erect branching and flowering variety with light grey mature stem
- light brown emerging leaf, broad mature drooping lower leaves with light green petiole
- Tubers fusiform and closely arranged with golden brown tuber skin
- cream tuber rind and white tuber flesh
- Tubers with 23-25% starch,150-165 ppm cyanogen having good cooking quality
- Field tolerant to spider mite and scale insect